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Lost in the Wilderness: One Man's Five-Day Fight for Survival

For one California man, what began as a day fishing trip quickly turned into a five-day fight for survival.Mike Vilhauer, 58, went fishing Aug. 6 at Lower Sunset Lake in Alpine County when he noticed he wasn’t catching any fish. Deciding he needed more bait, Vilhauer, butterfly net in hand, left on what he thought would be a short trip to find some grasshoppers.“I was just zigzagging up and down..

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가을 장마...모레까지 전국 많은 비

가을장마가 찾아오면서 모레까지 전국에 비가 내리겠고 일부 지역에는 국지성 호우가 예상됩니다. 기상청은 남해상으로 저기압이 계속 지나가면서 전국적으로 비가 이어지겠고, 충청이남지방에는 시간당 20mm 이상의 장대비가 쏟아지는 곳도 있겠다고 밝혔습니다.

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